Principles of life as an addition to regional emblems : Nomis

The West Java logo has a million hopes for its people

Naturally, the creation of the emblem for something has been thought out as carefully as possible, as well as the West Java logo. Different parts of the logo or emblem certainly have their own philosophies. Description of the various life principles that exist in the surrounding society and, of course, various other cultural ornaments are also included in the emblem.

The process of choosing the shape for color and detail is definitely not arbitrary. There is an expert in charge of  doing it by having a specific meaning and intention in each of its parts. All emblems used in the government and regions certainly represent the uniqueness and characteristics of the region.

In terms of shape and color, it’s usually at first glance, but this West Java logo has a deep meaning and is also unique if you pay close attention to it. Especially if you already understand the meaning that you want to convey from all the details that exist. Surely just realized that something unusual is implied in each of these logo ornaments.

The regional coat of arms is actually not only made as a symbol, but also describes various things owned by the region itself. But it also instills various long-term hopes for the lives of its people. The same goes for making logos  in West Java to  produce all the beans for this region.

Depiction of a special philosophy of the coat of arms of West Java

The West Java logo has a round shape resembling an egg, of course, it is clearly visible. This shape was actually chosen to describe the shield as a means of defense. Protect yourself with a shield from all kinds of danger and everything else from the outside. Of course, the meaning of self-preservation is also interpreted quite broadly both personally and regionally.

In the middle of the shape of this shield there is an image of a kujang with 5 holes on one side. As many already know  ,  the  kujang coat of arms  is actually native to  the  Sundanese  tribe and was used by  the people  of  the  ancient West Java region for various needs. Meanwhile,  the existence of a gap of five weapons  illustrates  the  number of  regulations contained in the state base.

Left and right of the kujang in  the West Java logo there is an  image of a sprig of rice  as  well as cotton.   Of course, rice is a staple food consumed by most Indonesians  as well as in West Java. However, this rice is also used to describe the existence of food fertility. Meanwhile, cotton is for fertility in clothes.

In the photo of  rice  and  cotton, it turns out that there is still a hidden meaning, namely, the date and month  of the proclamation of  Indonesian independence. This is illustrated by the seeds on  rice of a total of 17 and 8 cotton flower flowers. So, when combined, August 17 is as the time of the proclaimed independence of this beloved country.

Natural wealth of the coat of arms of the West Java region

If you look closely, you will find a mountain in the logo of the province of West Java,  which  is located in  the  lower area of the padi emblem,  as well  as cotton. Of course,  this mountain picture depicts the location of  West Java based on the geographical location, consisting of many mountainous areas.

Then you will see a slow g-river at the  bottom of the left still discussing the area.   There are several rivers flowing   in the area   and this is of course beneficial  in  various needs, including irrigation  in  the rice field area. So that the emblem is not left depicted, of course.

Similarly, the logo of the province of West Java on the  right side of the base is  depicted as tiles. It is certain that this depiction is about rice fields and gardens, which are actually a livelihood and financial support  for most people in West Java. The soil is so fertile and can be planted by different crops.

There is still another hidden emblem  is the lower end of the logo. The idea  is that the irrigation of the area is actually  more concentrated because  the  area is actually the   location of rice fields and plantations. Therefore, irrigation issues must be properly considered so that any agricultural activity carried out by the community can run smoothly.

The deep meaning of color

In addition to these ornaments, the West Java logo also has several colors in each section. Of course, any use of color is not arbitrarily chosen, but there is a philosophy contained in it. So, the choice of this color completes any deep meaning in the coat of arms of the area.

The upper shield uses green as a sluggishg fertility as well as the prosperity of its land area. Of course, this is related to the activities there that do a lot of agricultural and plantation development. While the surrounding yellow color is a symbol of glory and majesty.

You can see the mountain emblem using black as a symbol of constancy as well as immortality. Continuing down using the color blue means peace and quiet. This  is a  prayer for  the life of the people  of the  West Java area so that there is always  a sense  of peace and tranquility without the turmoil of trouble in between.

White and red are also on the logo  of the province of West Java. The meaning of the color red is the courage and chastity, purity, as well as the honesty of the white color. The hope of having courage and a sincere heart is expressed by the use of such combinations of colors on the coat of arms of this area.

There are many things that are implied in it right from each ornament, as well as the colors and inscriptions listed in it. Perhaps at first glance only the large part is visible, but it turns out that there are various little things, as well as details about  the  symbol of keeping secrets and the best prayers for the people of the   West Java area.

Principles of life as an addition to regional emblems

Not to be left in the West Java logo is written  with the motto of the indigenous people of West Java.   The principle is gemah ripah repeh rapih. This phrase is a Sundanese language that is well known and widely used. Of course, the term is not used without meaning. However, it has a deep meaning, which is, in fact, the principle of the life of the people of the area there.

Gemah ripah means prosperous, fertile, prosperous as well as calm. Sejahtera in this sentence also means the adequacy of food and clothing in his people. So everyone who is there has enough to meet the welfare of their lives well. Of course, by making different bets and their respective jobs.

As for the neat repeh, the meaning is peace and harmony. A safe and secure life is surely the hope of all people, no matter where they live. Therefore, this principle of life is also a hope in West Java to have a social life that is always peaceful, without problems carrying out daily activities.

The use of this phrase in the West Java logo  is  interpreted to describe an area that is fertile and rich in various things in order to thrive in the area. In addition, this area is also inhabited by a community that is always peaceful, prosperous and sentosa in their lives. So that happiness is always around it and makes West Java a pleasant area to stay in.

This symbol also reminds different parties to continue striving for different concrete steps so that these hopes can be properly realized. The life of the people can be consistent with what is on the emblem. In this way, the West Java logo  is not just a symbol.

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